[kwlug-disc] nginx config question

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Thu Sep 28 03:59:40 EDT 2023

On 2023-09-28 02:25, Ronald Barnes wrote:
> I've switched everything over to nginx and have a question.
> I include a lot of config snippets, including one that checks for /ping,
> /status, etc.
> Those have stanzas like this:
> location /ping {
>     include fastcgi.conf;
>     ## This MUST run on the NORMAL listening socket, NOT the special
>     ## pm.status_listen defined in /etc/php/$version/fpm/pool.d/www.conf:
>     fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php-fpm.sock;
>     }
> The server block that includes it might look like this:
> server {
>     listen 80 ;
>     server_name nextcloud.bclug.ca;
>     ## Enable responses to /ping ... "pong", etc:
>     include ./sites-available/shared/ping.conf;
>     return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
>     }

return not in location block ?

Even if it is legal, can you try a capture all locations with location 
block, placing "return ..." in it, and see if it changes anything.

> So... if I `curl nextcloud.bclug.ca/ping` I want "pong", not a 301
> redirect to https://nextcloud.bclug.ca/ping (which works).
> Is there a way to do this?  I might be missing some critical
> understanding of nginx.
> I'm trying to avoid repeating the location blocks that are being included...
> The include statement is repeated in the https section, and it works.
> If I use `curl -L nextcloud.bclug.ca/ping` then I do get "pong" after
> the redirect.
> Can the redirect be avoided for /ping ?
> Thanks!
> rb
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