[kwlug-disc] I give up, but with one question
Doug Moen
doug at moens.org
Sat Dec 7 15:44:54 EST 2024
> `zf5j` folds the next 5 lines (`zo` = open/expand, `zc` = close, `zd` = delete)
I had no idea you could do this. Nice.
> `:ab LR Linux Rocks` when you type LR in INSERT MODE, replaces with Linux Rocks - this can be put into your .vimrc or .exrc file too!
You can define this globally by adding the following line to ~/.XCompose
> <Multi_key> <L><R> : "`Linux Rocks`"
Now you can type <Compose>LR in any application, and it will expand to Linux Rocks. Note that you are generally limited to 2 character abbreviations.
You first need to configure the location of the <Compose> key on your keyboard. On Mint, the Keyboard settings app supports this in Layouts>Options>Position of Compose Key.
On Sat, Dec 7, 2024, at 5:47 PM, Jason Eckert wrote:
> I guess I should chime in here and share the vi tutorial I made: https://jasoneckert.github.io/myblog/how-to-learn-vi-vim/
> On Sat, 7 Dec 2024 at 10:34, John Van Ostrand <john at vanostrand.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 6, 2024 at 7:37 PM Nickle, Brian <brian at nickle.ca> wrote:
>>> I'm just a baby unix'er I thought PINE and PICO were from the 70s but they are a 90s invention.
>>> Still gotta know some vi to do initial configs on OS without nano installed by default.
>> There isn't a question there. I agree. I started with Unix 30 years ago taking care of company and customer servers. I could have installed other software on it, but 30 years ago I would have had to use UUCP to transfer programs (companies rarely had Internet back then.) So vi was the way to get things done, guaranteed.
>> I suggest you keep a cheat sheet handy, like https://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/32r85c/this_is_my_favorite_vim_cheat_sheet_does_anyone/#lightbox (I picked it randomly.)
>> You don't need to know much to be proficient at simple modifications. Various edit modes (insert, append, replace), saving files, searching for text, jumping to lines, deleting characters and lines.
>> --
>> John Van Ostrand
>> At large on sabbatical
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