[kwlug-disc] Fwd: Regular Expression to Match Movie Titles and Year and Ignore the rest.

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Tue Dec 31 23:36:19 EST 2024

John Driezen wrote on 2024-12-31 15:29:

> This program gives the following error messages when run.

Which version of Python?

I ran it through 3.10 and got nothing like that.

 > Suggestions and improvements welcome.

Try this:

import os
import re
with os.scandir() as i:
   for entry in i:
     if entry.is_file():
       ## Use named groups for easy use of captured data:
       ## Also, put it all in one regex for easy positional grabbing of
       ## elements:
       ## Finally, wrapped for legibility in email, etc.:
       info = re.search(
         + "(?P<title>.*)"
         + "\.(?P<year>\d{4})\."
         + "(?P<res>\d+p)"
         + ".*\.(?P<ext>.*)"
         + "$",
       print( f"title: {info.group('title')}")
       print( f"year: {info.group('year')}")
       print( f"resolution: {info.group('res')}")
       print( f"extension: {info.group('ext')}")


title: Zero.Dark.Thirty
year: 2012
resolution: 720p
extension: mp4

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