[kwlug-disc] Laptop for in-person meeting management

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sat Jan 27 23:03:43 EST 2024

It looks like we (I?) have a laptop that will do the job. Thanks to
all the generous people who offered. 

I wish there was a good way for KWLUG members to sell and trade stuff
with each other. I think several people have stuff that is still good
but which they don't use, and others are looking for equipment they
can't get easily/reliably. We could maybe start a thread on this here
discussion list, but I don't feel up to recreating Kijiji for KWLUG.

- Paul

On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 09:38:45PM -0500, Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote:
> I am looking for a laptop that I can use to manage the in-person
> meetings. There is a desktop in the room but it is unreliable. I have
> an old netbook I have been bringing but it is unreliable in different
> ways. 
> The main purpose is to log into BigBlueButton and open the meeting,
> then moderate chat and relay questions. Secondary purposes could be to
> serve as the host for the audio puck and/or serve as a backup presenter
> machine if somebody's presentation machine is being uncooperative.
> I did go to Computer Recycling but the laptop Charles has ready are
> too fancy and maybe more $$$ than I was hoping to spend. My budget is
> around $100 (but maybe that is not reasonable).
> Must haves:
> - Be reliable enough to stay powered on and working for the entire
>   KWLUG meeting. (I do not need any battery at all, although a few
>   minutes of battery could be convenient.)
> - Be powerful enough to run a modern web browser and the BBB interface
>   without choking.
> - Have a reliable keyboard, pointing device, screen
> - Not gigantic. 14" or less is probably okay.
> - Portable enough that I can lug it to the LUG on meeting days.
> - Good enough wifi to maintain a strong connection to the UW internet.
> Nice to haves (I do not expect to satisfy them all):
> - HDMI output
> - Working USB and/or Bluetooth
> - Working audio, preferably via standard 3mm headphone jack. Combined
>   headphone and microphone in one jack would be a bonus.
> - Runs Linux (something like Xubuntu would be fine).
> - A reasonable keyboard layout (ANSI is best, see
>   https://superuser.com/questions/837448). 
> - Charging adapter for the laptop, although if the adapter is common I
>   might be able to get one from Computer Recycling.
> - Costs $100 or less.
> I am guessing something in the first generation i3/i5/i7 range or
> better would be good enough. Reliability is more important than power
> so long as power is sufficient. (For this reason I may turn up my nose
> at HP consumer grade laptops, which have a bad habit of overheating.)
> I am not expecting a freebie, although if anybody has too many laptops
> and wants to donate one to the LUG I am open to that. Once upon a time
> Ron Singh donated a nice Thinkpad to the LUG but it seems to have been
> lost to the mists of time, and I feel terrible about that.
> - Paul
> -- 
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Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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