[kwlug-disc] Time and space are inseparable ... even in coding

Chris Frey cdfrey at foursquare.net
Mon Jul 8 18:33:59 EDT 2024

On Mon, Jul 08, 2024 at 10:26:54PM +0000, Mikalai Birukou wrote:
> So, in current refactoring I am moving form a single hair ball to 
> separated structure, and single lock (locked flow) is naturally replaced 
> with many specific lock places, allowing processing to flow more 
> parallel in time.
> Hence, time and space are inseparable, even here.

And then there's the CPU caching issue.... if your data is sprinkled
all over RAM, your cache is useless, and performance suffers.  Yet
if all the data you need is located in convenient chunks in a
sequential array, the cache gobbles it up and your cpu can fly. :-)

- Chris

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