[kwlug-disc] Open questions from pioreactor

Andres Vargas - zodman zodman at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 23:20:39 EDT 2024

Q: How do you think you could enable https for local network?

I suggested in the meeting today the HTTP local tunnel.

I mention this:

That enables a URL like https://mymachine.mydomain.com to point to your
local host or IP address. with a proxy, and exposed to internet.

here are a bunch of  similar solutions
The first software making this was called ngrok and it was popular!

Q: how fix mDNS for not being slow?

mDNS is stupid slow. xD, It is like a printer discovery protocol.

Instead of using mDNS, why not use dynamic DNS with ddclient[1]

You could have machine1.pioreactor.io pointing to the local IP network like  and updated on every boot.

Or create your own protocol for support offline.

[1]: https://ddclient.net/protocols.html

Q: update software should I use deb ?

I think the release should be by image release. You could warranty it works
on every raspberry pi, and implementing a deb file could be messy.

Another possible solution is to could package your Python application using
the PEP 441[2]

There are some interesting packagers like shiv

Check this pyempaq. It's from a friend.

Here a video explaining how to make the perfect deployment with shiv.

{2}: https://peps.python.org/pep-0441/
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