[kwlug-disc] Have you played with locally installable and usable AI -> give a talk

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Sat Mar 30 17:29:50 EDT 2024

> Probably will at some point. I entered this contest, and I'm waiting to hear back if I'm getting cloud access or hardware:
> https://www.hackster.io/contests/amd2023#challengeNav
> This is my proposal:
> https://www.hackster.io/contests/amd2023/hardware_applications/16336
> Contest is still open if you want to participate, but the hardware requests are finished.
> You can download most of the Open Source models here: https://huggingface.co/models
> Good article on how to get started:
> https://www.philschmid.de/fine-tune-llms-in-2024-with-trl

I suggest we apply the same description language to humans. For example, here is a 18 year old chap or gal, and he/she shall be fine tuned to <insert_the_discipline> using this particular input data, and our helpful tutors, ... ?, data engineers :) .

>> I am listening to podcast
>> https://oxide.computer/podcasts/oxide-and-friends/1692510 about Large
>> Language Models, and idea comes up, if anyone of you have tried any
>> locally usable LLM's, have trained it, tinkered with it, just make a
>> "let me show" kind of talk. Seriously.
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