[kwlug-disc] Debian problem

Bob B bob at sosc.ca
Mon May 6 09:20:29 EDT 2024


I believe that if you enable login as root during the install process, 
it does not put the user you create into sudo.

As such, you just need to 'su -' from the user account (with root's 
password for authentication) and then you can add yourself to the sudo 

IF you do not enable login as root, Deabin will automagically put you 
into the sudo group.


On 5/6/24 08:49, CrankyOldBugger wrote:
> So I'm getting a bit tired of the way Ubuntu is leading us down the 
> garden path with their various requirements, like Snap, etc.
> So I thought I'd try Debian.  I made a virtual machine, installed the 
> latest version "Bookworm", and everything installed fine.
> But..  I can log in as myself, but I'm not in the sudoers file, so I 
> can't elevate to root.  There was no option (that I could see) in the 
> installation to make myself a sudo group user.
> So I tried login as root, and sure enough, root can't login (neither 
> from the GUI login, or via SSH).  So I'm in a Catch-22, where I can't 
> become root, I can't login as root, but I need to be root to fix those 
> two things...
> Are there any Debian guys out there who know how to get around this?
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