[kwlug-disc] Snappy judgements, snappy issues, flat shadows

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Mon May 20 13:51:41 EDT 2024

It turns out that last year, I wrote about removing snap from Ubuntu
Server 22.04 LTS.


I dug out the old laptop, which had Xubuntu 20.04 LTS on it, and did
an upgrade to 22.04 LTS.
I did this using:

sudo do-release-upgrade

As I have been doing for ages (don't use the GUI package managers).

I was able to remove snap on the desktop as well, which is good, since
that means I can upgrade my laptops to 22.04.
The article has been updated for the Xubuntu desktop.

The next step is to install Firefox using ESR, as per the link in the
same article.

I didn't test the upgrade to 24.04 since Canonical has not made it
available yet.
I think they wait till the 24.04.1 release for that.

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