[kwlug-disc] Regular Expression to Match Movie Titles and Year and Ignore the rest.

John Driezen jdriezen at sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 5 05:01:15 EST 2025

I ended up modifying William's bash script to support multiple file name 
arguments on the command line.

Here is the final program:

# Rename movie files
# Converts movie file names to a nice form expected by media servers 
like Emby, Jellyfin, Plex.

# Usage:  bash renamemoviefile.sh <file1> <file2> <file3>....

# Example Input: Zero.Dark.Thirty.2012.720p.BrRip.x264.BOKUTOX.YIFY.mp4
# Example Output: Zero Dark Thirty (2012)-720p.mp4
# Written by: William Park
# Modified by: John Driezen to accept multiple file name arguments.
# The mv command is commented out for safety.  Run a trial FIRST!

for moviefile in "$@"
     echo $moviefile | while IFS=. read -a x; do
          for i in "${x[@]}"; do
             case $i in
                  201[0-9]) y+=" ($i)" ;;
                  [0-9]*p) y+="-$i" ; skip=1 ;;
                  avi) y+=".$i" ;;
                  mkv) y+=".$i" ;;
                  mp4) y+=".$i" ;;
                  srt) y+=".$i" ;;
                  webp) y+=".$i" ;;
                  *) if [[ skip -eq 0 ]]; then y+="${y:+ }$i"; fi ;;
          echo "Renaming $moviefile as $y"
          #mv $moviefile "$y"

Thank you to all for suggestions and comments.

John Driezen

jdriezen at symaptico.ca

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