[kwlug-disc] OT: KWTechs slack invites

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Wed Jan 15 21:49:00 EST 2025

In addition to KWLUG there is a SECRET (proprietary) SLACK COMMUNITY
for locals in the tech scene at https://kwtechs.slack.com . It is not
FLOSS-focused (hence the OT in the subject) but the community there is
pretty good. There is an active #recommendations channel, 
gripes about Rogers outages and a river of Jason Eckert's dad jokes. 
There are also occasional job postings and requests for jobs, but that
is not as active as you can find elsewhere. 

The requirements to participate are: (a) you must reside in Waterloo
Region, and (b) you must be involved in the tech industry. (My hope is
that participating in KWLUG counts, but who knows. Maybe I don't
qualify to be in the community?)

If you would like an invite let me know. Send me the email you want
the invite sent to and justifications for the two requirements above.

- Paul

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