[kwlug-disc] Service resource management: i.e. Mailman3 vs Mailman2

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Thu Jan 30 19:35:23 EST 2025

Just curious ... Did you try other tools, e.g. top, to see the memory usage
per python process?

I agree that they have to address their own need first and foremost.
Perhaps others who run smaller lists can the advice/contribute on how to
pare down memory usage.

One obvious way to do this is modularization, and configurability.
Examples, number of worker processes (e.g. how Apache, Nginx or PHP-FPM
handles it: number of processes to start with, maximum number, and number
of hot spares), or features (fancy user interface yes/no).

But because this is obvious, perhaps it is already there, or tried and
didn't work for some reason.

In any case, it doesn't hurt to write follow ups for the issues on Gitlab,
and send the info in your original message. Maybe if enough people report
this as an issue, a solution would be found.
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