[kwlug-disc] Dial Plan

Chris Irwin chris at chrisirwin.ca
Sat Oct 15 00:32:28 EDT 2011

Anybody familiar with Dial Plans?

This is the dial plan I'm entering on my Linksys SPA3102's line
extension (so it would affect my handset, not the provider). My
understanding is that having certain matches with the S0 will allow
immediate dialing, rather than waiting for the timeout.

I started with some examples I found online, and continued from there.

Note that I have two providers: Primary is a landline, and secondary
(for this handset) is VOIP, accessed by pressing '9'. Also note that I
am '519' area code.

Call 911 directly           911S0
Ten-digit local calls       519[2-9]xxxxxxS0
Long-Distance               1[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxxS0
VOIP Ten-digit local calls  9519[2-9]xxxxxxS0
VOIP Long-Distance          91[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxxS0
Internal Extensions         0000xxS0
Phone provider stuff?       *xx
Everything else w/timeout   xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Married & poor. Block       1900xxxxxxx!

Also, I'm not sure if order matters. For exmaple, will the long-distance
rule take precidence over the blocking of 900 numbers, since that looks
like a long distance number? I don't know...

Chris Irwin
e:  chris at chrisirwin.ca
w: http://chrisirwin.ca
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