[kwlug-disc] Wanted: help in refining presentation

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Mon Jul 23 22:01:33 EDT 2012

So I ran into Kiwi this weekend, and we got talking about KWLUG
presentations.[0] He would like to give another presentation soon, but
he is not sure what would be popular/appreciated, and he is too shy(!)
to ask on the list himself. 

- Kiwi works for VMware and knows a lot about that product (especially
  the storage side), and his tendency is present something in this
- He wants to cater the presentation to the interests of members
- He is aware that marketing heavy (and proprietary-heavy)
  presentations tend not to go over well in this group

Here are some (although probably not all) of the ideas we threw

0. His experiences in putting together a lab of two virtual ESX hosts
serving 20 or so thin clients.

1. A "deep dive" discussion of some aspect of virualization and/or
VMware. Kiwi suggested looking through logs to diagnose common
problems as one issue.

2. Implementing a lab in an open-source virtualization product (and
maybe comparing it to VMware).

3. A discussion of cluster filesystems and what they have to offer.

4. His experiences in building a cheap but robust SAN using a chassis,
a bunch of SATA drives, and the Nexenta OpenSolaris distro.

5. A discussion of the free (gratis) VMware products and how far you
can get with them before you need to purchase components of the VMware

I realize that it will be difficult to come to a consensus on which
presentation Kiwi should give in this thread. But hopefully your
responses can help guide him to choosing a topic or two. So what
sounds interesting to you? What related topics would you like to see

- Paul

[0] Lest this be interpreted as yet another reason to avoid
associating with me, please be assured that I am not obsessed about
this topic.


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