[kwlug-disc] sadness in Ubuntu land

Ron Singh ronsingh149 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 20:26:36 EDT 2022

Whoa, that subj line made me think that someone at Ubuntu died!

Your experience with what Ubuntu did with APT, redirecting APT to a SNAP
store is what Mint was very critical of -- Mint's response for their Ver 20
edition was nulling out the SNAP store and allowing APT to install a right
proper Firefox DEB package. Mint does not release a Gnome edition, they do
the Cinnamon/Xfce/Mate DEs and they block SNAP, a winning combination for

If you can deal with above of the above DEs, might be good to hang for a
few months for Mint to release their 2022 editions.
I would also recommend Mint's LMDE5, based on the latest Debian with the
Cinnamon DE. This is a side project of Mint's that may very well become the
de-facto flagship edition from Mint if Ubuntu keeps going along their
questionable path.

If the need for the Gnome DE is non-negotiable, I think getting away from a
Ubuntu-based OS would be best and Fedora is certainly a fine candidate that
attracts few complaints it seems. FWIW.


Ron S.

On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 8:07 PM CrankyOldBugger <crankyoldbugger at gmail.com>

> So, fresh from my recent encounter with DuckDuckGo, I hobbled along and
> decided to try testing out the newest version of Ubuntu in a VM.
> Everything went well until I decided to remove the Snap version of Firefox
> that comes standard now, and replace it with the regular apt-installed
> version, as recommended in one of the many online "things to do after
> installing Ubuntu 22.04" articles.  And as recommended here in this group
> as I know many of you don't like Snaps. And also recommended by the fact
> that the snap version of Firefox doesn't get along with GNOME extensions,
> which I use extensively.
> So did the following:
> sudo snap remove --purge firefox
> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa
> sudo apt install -t 'o=LP-PPA-mozillateam' firefox
> This worked well, until I tried to run updates.  Apt updates forcibly (as
> in, you can't stop it once it starts) removes the apt version of Firefox
> and replaces it with the original Snap version.  The popup TUI basically
> said that from now on I must use the Snap version.  You can imagine the new
> words I invented when I saw that message come up...
> So.... what to do?   I've been an Ubuntu fan for many years, but this
> latest move by Canonical really bakes my cookies.  Should I move over to
> Fedora or some other distro that doesn't force their views on us?
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