[kwlug-disc] Trust in Musk.. or go to NextCloud

Chris Frey cdfrey at foursquare.net
Thu Nov 3 12:14:10 EDT 2022

Ok, but none of that explains, at least to me, why people are jumping
ship now.  If people don't want to pay for blue checkmarks, they won't.
As long as the service remains free, they can stay.  So far, I haven't
seen reports of the fail whale making a comeback, but it's early days.

People seem to be panicking for other reasons than financial stability.

Even so, let's follow the financial argument... if Twitter doesn't make
money now, who was funding it before?

In other words, why do people care if it is Elon Musk, massive debt,
irrational exuberance, or the CIA that is funding their free Twitter
experience, as long as they get to post?

- Chris

On Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 11:36:22AM -0400, Khalid Baheyeldin wrote:
> One of the issues is that he bought it on a whim. I saw this described as a
> manchild
> wanting a toy.
> He offered a huge sum,  financed the deal himself, while its stock price
> plummeted,
> then tried to get out of the deal, then bought it anyway for what he
> offered initially
> ($44 billion).
> He also fired almost all management on day one, so continuity will be an
> issue.
> And now, he has to figure out how to make money from it. He is floating the
> idea of
> charging for the checkmark. The author Stephen King voiced his objection,
> and
> Musk tweeted back "How about $8 then"?
> He does not have a plan or a vision this time, contrary to Tesla and SpaceX.
> Maybe he can turn that around like all the mis-steps with his endeavours
> before
> this one, but who knows ...
> Here is the financing part:
> https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2022/10/28/how-elon-musk-financed-his-twitter-takeover

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