[kwlug-disc] Logseq talk.

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Thu Dec 21 09:00:27 EST 2023

Oops. Colin sent me his slides and I even uploaded them, but did not
display them on the page. They have his list of plugins. I have made
the attachments visible now: https://kwlug.org/node/1352

The list of plugins is: 

[in no particular order]

    Todo list
    Journals Calendar
    Markdown Table Editor
    Bullet Threading
    Automatic Linker
    TOC Generator
    Logseq Interstitial Journal

On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 12:18:27AM -0500, Bob B via kwlug-disc wrote:
> Hey gang,
> Not sure if Colin is on the ML or not, but if you are, I caught the tail end
> of your presentation this month and then finally made it through the whole
> recording tonight.
> I was using Obsidian but it was just a little too unstructured for me. I saw
> the "Journals" concept in Logseq during your talk and I realized that was
> what I was missing in Obsidian. Consequently, the last two weeks or so have
> been diving into the Logseq rabbit hole.
> I noticed at the end of your talk you mentioned putting up your list of
> plugins. I don't remember seeing them in the video so I am wondering if you
> can post them here?
> FWIW, I installed the Bullet Threading and the Journals Calendar plugins.
> The calendar one lets me drop TODO's into future days. By adding a query at
> the top of the TODO page, I see only the todos up to today. This lets me
> future date reminders and have them appear only when they become relevant.
> (I think somebody asked about that in the talk).
> Anyway, thanks for that talk. This has been a fun ride and I am hoping that
> this tool can finally bring some order into my mental chaos. Obsidian was
> good, but it seemed more like just a wiki for storing and cross referencing
> information... it never really had a sequence to it unless I dropped
> timestamps into pages all over the place. Logseq seems way more intuitive
> with my mental model of how information should get captured.
> Thanks again!
> Bob.

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