[kwlug-disc] BYTE Magazine archives

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Fri Jan 20 16:06:24 EST 2023

> I was more of a "PC Magazine" kind of guy, but for those of you who read BYTE, I believe (I haven't fully tested it) that I've found the whole catalogue in .pdf format:
> https://worldradiohistory.com/Byte_Magazine.htm

Quote from an issue in the month I was born:



Iwould like to respond to BYTEs commenton"PascalCritique and a Comment," by JO'Loughlin (December 1978 BYTE, page 179). Ifeel that the UCSD Pascal system is not an affordable implementation of Pascal. Although the software costs "only" $200, you need 56 K bytes of programmable memory to use it productively ($800), plus 8 inch floppy disk ($1000), and a terminal with
cursor control ($1000). Add this to a $1000 mainframe and this "affordable" system costs $4000. Compare this to a $600 TRS-80! Sure, Pascal is more readable than BASIC, but there are other con-

Text continued on page 223



a) this is relatable

b) back-and-forth in monthly issues versus that in every-second's twitter/mastodon/forums.

c) open source; origin stories; those are 1970-80 dollars
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