[kwlug-disc] BYTE Magazine archives
Mikalai Birukou
mb at 3nsoft.com
Fri Jan 20 16:35:56 EST 2023
>> I was more of a "PC Magazine" kind of guy, but for those of you who
>> read BYTE, I believe (I haven't fully tested it) that I've found the
>> whole catalogue in .pdf format:
>> https://worldradiohistory.com/Byte_Magazine.htm
> Quote from an issue in the month I was born:
With continuation it is even more fun :) :
> ```
> Iwould liketo respond to BYTEs commenton"PascalCritiqueanda
> Comment,"byJO'Loughlin(December 1978BYTE,page179).Ifeelthatthe
> UCSDPascalsystemisnotanaffordable implementationofPascal.Althoughthe
> softwarecosts"only"$200, youneed 56Kbytesofprogrammable memory to
> useitproductively ($800),plus8inch floppydisk($1000),andaterminalwith
> cursorcontrol ($1000).Add this toa $1000 mainframeandthis"affordable"
> system costs$4000. Compare this toa $600
> TRS-80!Sure,PascalismorereadablethanBASIC, butthereareother
considerations alreadydiscussedintheforum publishedwith your
equivalent(eg:toaTuringmachine), sotherearenoprogramsthatwillrunin
Idon'tmeanto defend BASIC.It's slowandarchaic. Butit(andFORTRAN)
havelastedmuch longer than anyofthe blockstructuredlanguages:ALGOL,
PL/1,SIMULA,etc. (By"last,"Imean thatitisstillinpopularuse.)How long
willPascallast?Theideasbehind blockstructuredlanguagesaregreat,but
theyhaveyet tobeimplementedinan optimal form.
Few years later, in the university Pascal will be used. Tricky questions
of the day would be function pointers, and passing them as callbacks.
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