[kwlug-disc] In-person meeting location leads?

Adam Glauser adamglauser at gmail.com
Thu May 4 10:32:49 EDT 2023

I hope this is not too late to be helpful, but I checked with the powers
that be at Laurier.

I can book a classroom or meeting room, I believe it would be gratis, but
this has some caveats.

    - reasonable presentation A/V tech
    - good ventilation
        - I measured CO2 in a new-ish lecture theatre at ~half capacity
recently and it was pretty good
   - could be bumped with short-ish notice
        - could be as little as a week, but l think they aim for ~15 days
lead time
        - may be able to fall back to a meeting room, possibly only if a
Laurier staff person is present

Meeting room
   - a staff member would likely need to be present for access
       - I'm not willing to do this regularly
   - unlikely to be bumped
   - likely decent A/V
   - maybe poor ventilation

Please let me know if this is interesting enough that I should follow up on
whether there are meeting rooms that would be available in
more-publicly-available spaces, or try to get more info on options should a
classroom booking be bumped.

On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 9:16 PM Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc <
kwlug-disc at kwlug.org> wrote:

> So before the last meeting we got bad news: the landlords at the TriOS
> building don't want to make the space available in the evening, so we
> are again without a plan to go back to in-person meetings.
> This is not an immediate concern -- we probably were going to continue
> virtually for a while, but sooner or later the unwashed masses were
> going to clamor for in-person meetings. So I guess it is something we
> should figure out.
> Given that I am personally still COVID-anxious, I am probably not the
> best person to spearhead this search for an in-person meeting space.
> And yet, here we are. If somebody else wanted to find us a meeting
> space then that would be lovely.
> We have one tentative offer for a meeting room in one KWLUG member's
> condo. The condo is in downtown Kitchener. The capacity is probably
> about 16 people, which seems small.
> Ideally we would transition from virtual to hybrid meetings, but this
> adds a bunch of constraints (equipment and strong reliable internet,
> preferably wired). I do not know how hybrid meetings would affect
> in-person attendance overall.
> From past searches I remember insurance being a big issue.
> It would be nice if we could get a space gratis, but I do not know if
> that is realistic.
> Some groups have been able to meet at meeting spaces in their offices
> (GPUG at Vehikl, KW CyberSecurity at Arctic Wolf both come to mind, as
> does KWLUG at TriOS, I guess). If you have some contacts that could
> get us an office meeting room that would be nice.
> It looks like the KPL and WPL both book rooms, but probably not for
> permanent bookings. Rates range from $50 to $150 for two hours.
> - Paul
> --
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