[kwlug-disc] Tiny presentation for May

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Wed Apr 3 10:41:11 EDT 2024

Does anybody have a tiny demo they would like to present in May? Jason
Paul will be giving a short presentation, but we should not need more
than 20 minutes for it including feedback. (These are known as "famous
last words.") Anton will be using a full meeting slot for SQLPage. In
principle that gives us 20 minutes more to fill. We can end early or
have a tiny demo -- maybe some cool tool?

If you are interested then let me know. If I don't hear by Saturday
then I'll probably just decide that May is scheduled. (I have been
contemplating doing a presentation myself and doing it in May if there
is space and later otherwise, but I don't think that is necessarily a
good idea.)

- Paul

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