[kwlug-disc] Adventures in cellphone and ISP shopping

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Thu Dec 12 17:00:46 EST 2024

On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 11:47 AM Remi Gauvin <remi at georgianit.com> wrote:

> On 2024-12-12 11:24 a.m., Cedric Puddy wrote:
> My experience has been, universally, the complete opposite.   Whenever
> there is a problem, be it cable or Modem, dealing with Rogers takes
> *hours*, often requires multiple attempts, and endless gaslighting and
> upsells.  When I contact Teksavvy about a problem, they handle all that
> for me, and everything is much smoother. (admittedly, needing, or even
> just wanting to test, a modem replacement, costs a few hundred.  Worth
> every penny in time and frustration.)

Ten years ago, I switched from Rogers cable internet to reseller cable
internet. First with Vmedia, then to CarryTel, then Vmedia, and switching
again to CarryTel in a few days (driven by finding the cheaper one for
the same or better service tier).

It is very convenient not having to deal with Rogers at all, whether
upsells, or lousy tech support.

I did have my cable internet die one winter, and called the reseller (forgot
which one it was at the time), and they dispatched a Rogers tech (or a
who knows), who rigged a temporary cable to my house, then in spring they
came in and fixed the curb side box. This is the same problem that Ron Singh
mentioned in another thread recently: infrastructure that is ~ 40 years
and sporadically fails.

Up to a year or two ago, it was a common sight in the neighbourhood to see
these temporary cables running up street lights, across the street, to a
and then to a house. But I have not noticed them lately.

Anyways, in my case, dealing with Vmedia and CarryTel for support, is not
bad as Cedric's experience.

YMMV, ...etc.
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