[kwlug-disc] Need of a Linux tutor

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sun May 12 11:07:43 EDT 2024

Would you be asking for somebody to be giving you projects? Or would
you be asking for help when you are stuck doing a project you found
elsewhere? The latter would be easier to find than the former, I

If you are willing to try another online resource, you might consider
Fernando Duran's Sad Servers project: https://sadservers.com/ . 

- Paul

On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 05:16:24AM -0400, Onyeaghala Opara wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am a new member in this group. Although I  attend online meetings and I was physically present at the last meeting.
> I am an international student at Conestoga College  in the CST program and seeking a new career in cloud computing security. Hence the need to be a a proficient user of Linux to advance my career.
> I have taken preliminary courses in Linux last term in school, online resource like free code camp and Linux journey. Unfortunately some of them are not project based.
> Recommend any tutor online or in person, to help me gain a mastery of Linux through projects.
> Warm regards,
> Henry 

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