[kwlug-disc] Software and a Service versus "as a Service"

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Tue Oct 1 20:42:06 EDT 2024

> This is why I love self-hosting. If a free service is in the cloud, there is still a cost to it.
> Eventually the bill comes due, and once it's popular enough and you're locked in, they will start charging subscription fees.
> While software licenses can change such as recently with Hashicorp Terraform, we've seen it happen both ways, like with Elasticsearch and Kibana moving back to open source.
> You have less chance of a rug pull or at least have some control since you host it. The worst is that you won't continue to get updates.
> The repo for Mirantis K8s Lens is still around but at the bottom it shows that it was retired:
> https://github.com/lensapp/lens

wow ... I didn't know they even went closed source.

Now, if anyone needs it, I have 4.2.2, latest no-cloud version, git source repo and dmg/AppImage/exe trio. MIT and all.

This let's me appreciate a gazillion of mirrors for distro's, cause what if some stop serving code. But similar mirroring must be done for your dependencies. And mirroring of their own sources, just in case.

> Info on when they went closed-source:
> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39811772
> As an alternative, check out K9s: https://k9scli.io/

This is in cli style.

Besides gui lens has this very useful option to bring a tunnel from whatever you have inside you impenetrable cluster. I find it incredibly useful: have postgre -> add pgadmin into cluster -- use when needed. Oh boy. It reduces stress when you need to look into raw data, when bugs manifest, etc. So, I wonder if it has this feature for sticking fingers into the machine.

> There is actually a CNCF Toronto event tomorrow where it will be covered:
> https://community.cncf.io/events/details/cncf-cloud-native-toronto-presents-october-toronto-cncf-meetup-end-user-stories/
> Fun videos on this topic (the second one talks about some self-hosting options):
> Fireship - Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements
> https://youtu.be/e5dhaQm_J6U?si=EqFLR8LuRyrLc2Qf

:) from video. Plane - Jira replacement, its a torture device for developers, by developers :)

> Fireship - How To Make AWS Not Suck
> https://youtu.be/gJmz31JywM0?si=it4-egZKQE5ouQdi

:) this video is graphic a bit

> Cheers,
> Jason
> On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 4:58 PM Mikalai Birukou via kwlug-disc <kwlug-disc at kwlug.org> wrote:
>> I just received an email from a team/company that makes a "lens for
>> kubernetes". Email says something about excitement and a new version.
>> We had a round table on kubernetes, when I showed lens. Few months later
>> I needed it, and a new version already insisted on me having cloud
>> account. I had to meticulously go through history to find the last
>> release that allows you to use it as software, as expected.
>> You don't even get Software from "Software as a Service" vendor. This
>> obviousness is even in the name. When software eats the world, and it is
>> your section that gets eaten, you want software to be yours. But with
>> Software as a Service, it is not my software that attempts to eat my
>> part of the world (e.g. control of my infrastructure). Instead of giving
>> me Software, they attempt to fool me into subscribing to Service,
>> resulting in me not getting Software.
>> Software and a Service -- is what we look for.
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