[kwlug-disc] More on the Matrix

kwlug at c.nixc.us kwlug at c.nixc.us
Fri Jun 21 14:03:26 EDT 2024

PQC is a dangerous concept since the only option for PQC would be an OTP (one time pad) where nothing is available to be factored in the first place everything else isn't ready yet.  Lattices and whatever the other one is really isn't provably secure nor is it guaranteed to be conventionally secure *conventionally meaning current hacks can compromise them which is why Signal offers two ratchets now one is PQC (allegedly) and the other is ECC Eliptic Curve Crypto

June 20, 2024 at 7:55 PM, "Mikalai Birukou - mb at 3nsoft.com" <reply+ffreyjacpivwyawddwbefgygsrisnr at simplelogin.co> wrote:

> This email failed anti-phishing checks when it was received by SimpleLogin, be careful with its content.
> More info on https://simplelogin.io/docs/getting-started/anti-phishing/
> ------------------------------
> > 
> > Along with the talk we had last month on The Matrix, this week's FLOSS 
> > 
> >  Weekly podcast also talks about the Matrix as a "git for communications"
> > 
> >  https://hackaday.com/2024/06/19/floss-weekly-episode-788-matrix-its-git-for-communications/
> > 
> On minute 55, Matthew suggests a hybrid mix of newish post-quantum 
> public key crypto and regular public key crypto. Ingeniously simple.
> Ever since 1990's with PGP paper (at least that one was the first 
> explainer for me, history clarification is welcome), we use public key 
> cryptography to pass symmetric cryptographic keys that are actually 
> encrypting content. Public key cryptography has always been slow 
> relative to symmetric one. Process is pk -> sk.
> Hybrid usage of new public key cryptography can be new_pk -> pk -> sk. 
> If new_pk is broken, it returns to the existing setup. Content 
> encryption is still fast. This is ingeniously simple hedge.
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